How To Say Good Luck in French | 12 Different Phrases
Good luck in French is “Bonne Chance!” but you’ve probably heard other expressions used as well, such as “Bon Courage!”. Saying good luck transcends mere words; it is a gesture of kindness and encouragement that bridges cultures and brings people together in moments of uncertainty and hope.
12 Different Ways To Say Good Luck In French
Bonne Chance!
The beauty of language lies in its ability to convey complex meanings in simple phrases like Bonne Chance! Its poetic nature captures the essence of good wishes in just two words, creating a sense of warmth and camaraderie between speakers. Let us embrace this linguistic gem as a symbol of unity and goodwill, spreading positivity wherever we go.
Bon Courage!
Bon Courage! is a phrase that encapsulates the spirit of resilience and perseverance in the French language. Literally translated as good luck, it goes beyond mere well-wishing to convey a sense of encouragement and fortitude in the face of challenges. The use of this phrase reflects the cultural value placed on determination and bravery in overcoming obstacles.
The word Merde! may seem like a simple expletive to some, but its origins and significance run deep in the French language. Derived from Latin origins, specifically the phrase merda meaning excrement, Merde! packs a punch in expressing frustration or astonishment. It’s interesting to note how a word with such vulgar connotations has found widespread use as an everyday interjection.
Bonne chance demain!
A popular extension of “Bonne Chance!”, this phrase simply means good luck tomorrow.
Meilleurs voeux
“Meilleurs Vœux” translates to “Best Wishes” in English. It’s a great phrase for wishing someone festive or celebratory greetings, rather than directly addressing an upcoming challenge or endeavor.
Je croise les doigts!
In French culture, crossing fingers symbolizes optimism, resilience, and faith in the face of adversity. This unique phrase highlights how language serves as a window into the cultural soul, revealing intricate nuances and shades of meaning that may be lost in translation. By delving into idiomatic expressions like Je croise les doigts!, we can unravel layers of tradition and belief embedded within language, enriching our understanding of diverse ways people navigate life’s uncertainties.
Je touche du bois
Another common phrase we use in English is “knock on wood” or “touch wood”, and that’s exactly what this phrase means.
Bonne continuation
The French love this phrase, and it translates to “good continuation” or “all the best going forward” in English. It’s typically used to wish someone well in their current activities or future endeavors.
Je vous/te souhaite bonne chance!
For a more formal version of “Bonne Chance” you could use “Je vous souhaite bonne chance”
This phrase translates to “I wish you good luck” in English. The choice between “vous” and “te” depends on the formality of the relationship “vous” is more formal and used with strangers, older people, or in professional settings, while “te” is informal and used with friends, family, or close colleagues.
Bonne route
“Bonne route” is specifically used in the context of wishing someone a safe and pleasant journey. It translates directly to “Good road” or “Have a good trip” in English.
Que la chance vous/te sourie
This is one of those little phrases that doesn’t literally translate into English and is quintessentially French. It translates to “May luck smile upon you” and is more of a poetic way to wish someone luck.
Que la force soit avec toi/vous
I couldn’t help but add this one, as it’s the famous Star Wars saying, “May the Force be with you.” And in my mind, another way of wishing you luck.
What is the French idiom to be lucky?
avoir du pot – to be lucky.
How to express wishes in French?
Another way of expressing a wish would be to say, j’aimerais, as in, J’aimerais d’avoir ta vie. (I wish I could have your life.) The final way of expressing a wish would be to say, je voudrais, as in, Je voudrais acheter une robe.
How to wish good luck in France?
Good luck in French is “Bonne chance.”
What is a phrase for good luck?
A few formal ways of saying good luck are: Best of luck with your future endeavors. I wish you the best. Best of luck.
How do you say good luck in French bon courage?
In French bon courage means the same as ‘good luck’ in English – so you’ll likely hear it said before exams, a dentist’s appointment or as you take your lottery ticket – or simply as a synonym for ‘hope it goes well’, if for example you’re off for a session in the gym.
What is a French symbol for good luck?
This circular gilded plaque is imprinted with the words ‘PORTE BONHEUR’ (‘bearing happiness’) and an image of a four-leaf clover, a traditional emblem of good luck.